I've watched TofuTwo, then Tofu3, and now I see I didn't miss much by skipping Tofuzilla. Not that it's bad, no, it's short, I mean, it is not THAT relevent to the story.
I must say that it leaves me confused, I'm not sure if it is really good or just technically good. The first two movies consisted of fights with monsters, apparently controlled by people inside them. At the end of the second one, I think, the character find his own self inside one of the tofuzilla, right? But then, the third one comes along and fuck everything, raping simple logic. I saw Star Trek last week, and I always hated the time travel concept... you made a "then" then a "now" which are confusing, but I think I was messed up because I didn't watch this one and the other one was so far away in my memory...... so correct me if I'm wrong there: He goes see the oracle, who sends him on a quest. He climbs on the tofu trees, walk to the X on the map, and the yellow tofuzilla comes out (Tofuzilla) then he beat the shit out of it, he eats it, then the PURPLE tofuzilla comes out, they have some fight I don't remember with the character getting inside his own tofuzilla, and he ends up finding the dead body (himself) inside another tofuzilla or a wall or something, I don't remember... (TofuTwo) Back to Tofu3, the "Now" part, he punch the shit out of the weird guy and get back to the oracle, who sends him time travelling with a disguise (as weird guy) and Tofu capsule (which I assume transform them into tofuzillas) he mess up, so basically he sends a capsule somewhere back in time. Now, the oracle want him to go back again, but before he does, some white giant tofuzilla appears?
Now I predict there's a fucked up story with the disguise such as the weird guy being himself and in the end, he kills himself like 3 time throughout the whole story.... I think you should stick to fighting scenes for our mental wellfare, but you really got talent so go on doing these flash.